Thursday, March 18, 2021

Blog Post #1


My Top Five News Outlets

(18, March 2021- by Naomi Blowe)

In a world that is as ever-changing and volatile as the one, we live in it is important to stay informed on all of the events and changes that occur within the day. Each individual has their preferences as to where, when, and how they like to receive news and consume information. I also have five of my own personal preferences for news that I will share with you today.

1.) Instagram

    Instagram might seem like the least likely place to obtain legitimate news updates. But the social media app, once filled with likes and duck faces has evolved to fit the social climate full of curious people wanting to learn about our world. One particular page that I frequent to keep myself updated is called Change. On this page, I get updates on prominent issues and events in the world. Instagram keeps me updated on current social issues and lesser topics, such as celebrities and movies. 

2.) Youtube

Youtube is a great source of entertainment and information. Youtube provides a welcomed distraction to much of what goes on in the world, but it can also bring light to some issues not normally covered on mainstream media sites. One specific channel I like to frequent is Inside Edition. They cover many hot button and current topics and also cover many specific local news stories that may have a larger issue behind them. Another channel that sheds light on the public's opinions on current issues is What Would You Do? This channel puts people in crafted situations to gauge their response to hot button topics and circumstances.

3.) CNN

CNN is probably one of the most commonly used news platforms out there. Ther provide real-time coverage and features on up-to-date current events and topics that may even be in progress as we speak. They are on top of the information and the sources that they release to the public and have a great deal to do with how some public opinions on certain topics are shaped.

4.) Apple News

The apple news app is convenient and available at all times. It sends me notifications on top stories from other outlets. The news app allows me access to breaking stories when they happen. I remember specifically when I got a notification that Ruth Bater Ginsberg had died, almost right after it had happened. This fast-paced mode of news delivery allows the news and multiple platforms to reach a multitude of people all at once and it is easily accessible... for iPhone users.

5.) Friends and Family 
What better place to receive your news than from a source that constantly surrounds you, friends, and family. This may not be the most reliable source and it may not have the most up-to-date information but I see it more as a starting point. Somewhere for me to hear about the base details of a story and then the rest is on me to find more details and make my own conclusion on the story. This may be one of the best sources in that case. As it is entirely up to me what information I absorb and how I interpret it. 

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