Sunday, May 2, 2021

Blog #4


Black Lives Matter Movement And The First Amendment

11 Things You Can Do To Help Black Lives Matter End Police Violence | Teen  Vogue

The Black Lives Matter Movement got another jumpstart in May of 2020, after the murder of George Floyd. This sparked many protests full of people wanting justice and expressing their pain over the systemic racism that has plagued this country since its birth. Since this incident, there have been countless protests, as shown in this Timeline. Many politicians, particularly on the Republican side, including Former President Trump, have tried to condemn these protests as not what they are, but as riots and destruction of property. This however is not the case. As provided by the US Crisis Project, in their report states, "About 93% of racial justice protests in the US since the death of George Floyd have been peaceful and non-destructive (CNN)." This kind of peaceful protest is protected under three clauses of the First Amendment; Speech, Press, and Assembly. 

There is a dark side to this coin, and that is the violent actions taken by those not expressly associated with the Black Lives Matter Movement. 

Black Lives Matter: birth of a movement | Black Lives Matter movement | The  Guardian

Riots such have these have taken place sporadically during the growth of the black lives matter movement. Under the clauses and understanding of the First Amendment, riots like these are not protected. This is classified as an "Action." Even if one was to make the argument that this should be classified as an Expressive Action because it conveys the message that people are tired of racism, it still would not be protected. The first amendment only protects expressive actions that stand to cause no harm to others involved or around it. 

Despite these few actions of those intending to pervert the good name of this worthy cause, over all the Black Lives Matter Movement is justified and protected under this country's Supreme Law.

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