Monday, May 3, 2021

Final Blog Post


My Relationship With Technology <3

It is no secret or surprise that technology is advancing. Even people in 1964 knew this; they had quite high expectations. Electronic technology has been on the rise and has also risen in impact on the daily lives of humans. It is nearly impossible to walk around outside without finding some source or type of technology. This rise in technology and its uses has had a significant influence on us as a society, both positive and negative. I will explain below some of the impacts technology has had on us and what it holds for our future.

Futurama II | Architectuul

In the video of the 1964 World Fair, they show off their "Futurama." In this model, there are many examples of how they think the world will look in the future and how it actually it. The model shows great advancements in technology such as putting a man on the moon, which we accomplish 5 years later, and people living in communities in Antarctica. Technology has brought us to a point in our civilization that we can only grow from. The average life span is longer, people are more social, and basic needs are relatively easy to come by. For people just 200 years ago we are living in a utopia. All of these things are positive and great, but what they failed to mention or have the foresight to think of are the unintended consequences. 

Technological Consequences

The unintended consequences and negative externalities of exponential  technological progress must urgently be considered in every single business  model, from the start (new gif) – Technology vs Humanity: the coming clash  of

Though the advancement of electronic technology has come with great advantages and has helped shape society into the bustling hub that it is now, there are also many drawbacks that come with these new perks. As we see in the Mad World Remix of Moby Video technology can become addicting. The video showcases many real-life scenarios that we witness far too often. The characters appear to be "asleep" while walking and interacting on their mobile phones, this is most likely to show how we have been living and working on autopilot relying on our technology to do everything for us. An example of this is in 2019 when a Woman Distracted By A Phone Walks Onto Train Tracks. This woman, who thankfully survived, was so engrossed by what was on her phone screen that she held no regard for her own safety and even the safety of those around her. According to NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), there were 3,142 distracted driving deaths in 2019. The majority of distracted driving includes texting, calling, and even using a GPS. Exactly like we saw in the video people would simply walk off the end of the earth chasing that next like or subscribe.

How Do We Avoid Becoming Numb in the Face of Online Tragedy and Violence? |  Sojourners

Another concerning feature that we witness in the Moby Video is people's desensitization to tragedies. This is exemplified towards the end of the video, where a girl is mocked for her dancing and this causes her to commit suicide by jumping from a building. Rather than reaching out to the girl or offering her help they simply record the incident on their phone and walk away laughing at the next "big thing" on the internet.  A study found in The Journal of Abnormal Psychology says "Between 2009 and 2017, rates of depression among kids ages 14 to 17 increased by more than 60%, the study found (TIME)." These are astounding numbers, especially considering that the targeted audience for most social media and internet-related things are teens.

Technology In My Life

Cell Phone addiction - Medvisit

Technology can be addicting to anyone. Yes, even I have fallen victim to overuse of the internet at times. The Pandemic has forced many people to remain inside for an extended period of time. Of course, people are going to get bored quickly and head straight to the internet for a steady stream of entertainment. If I were to evaluate my personal internet usage I would say sometimes abuse the internet. That's almost a full DAY just using my phone. I myself use the internet and social media apps for entertainment and as a source of procrastination from work, I'm not very inclined to do. This is a very unhealthy practice and something I have been trying to work on, but progress is slow.

Other than my excessive usage I have quite a large digital footprint. Simply by Google Image searching my first and last name out of the 20 pictures that pop up only 4 aren't related to me in any way and the first search result that comes up is my Twitter (that I never use). Other than having a prominent online presence there isn't anything overtly negative when my name is searched, in fact, most of the things are positives such as me winning awards or scholarships, participating in school activities, or random social media that hold no significance. I like many other iPhone users have given the government my fingerprint face print, and at this point, I've practically signed away the rights to my first child. There is no wonder my print is so large because most of my information is already out there. When I think about this in the mindset of a 20-year-old college student, it doesn't bother me much but when I think outside of myself and realize what they can do with that information it scares me what I've signed myself up for.

Is The Internet Essential to Good Teaching? - TEACH Magazine

Overall when you look at the positives and negatives of the internet and other growing technologies. The world may not look exactly as they imagined it would in 1964 but we are on a steady course to reach that destination sooner than I think most people are ready for. Hopefully, in that process, we can avoid the future predicted in the Moby Video. This should remind everyone to keep their head up and enjoy the ride.

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